miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

Narconon Arrowhead Releases Guide to Handling Alcoholism in the Family for Alcohol Awareness Month

(PRWEB) April 01, 2015

Alcohol Awareness Month

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) has been sponsoring Alcohol Awareness Month every April since 1987. Its purpose is to raise public awareness and increase understating of alcohol-related issues. During the month of April, NCADD encourages communities to focus on alcohol-related issues, and alcoholism.

For the Health of It: Early Education on Alcoholism and Addiction is the 2015 theme for Alcohol Awareness Month. During April, focus is on the issues of under-age drinking and its devastating impact and consequences, and on educating individuals regarding the prevention and treatment of alcoholism.

Local NCADD affiliates, schools, colleges, churches, and a host of community organizations sponsor a broad range of activities focused on creating awareness of alcohol-related problems, as well as encouraging individuals and families to get help, if needed.

April 3rd through the 5th of 2015 is designated as an Alcohol-Free Weekend. This seventy-two hour period is to raise awareness of alcohol use, focusing on ways in which it is affecting individuals, families and communities. NCADD invites all Americans to participate in these three alcohol-free days, and take that time to learn more about alcoholism and its prevention.

Making a Difference for the Better

Overconsumption of alcohol is known to increase a person’s risk of health-related injuries. It is known to increase the risk of violence and drowning, as well as increase the risk of liver disease and cancer of some types.

Alcohol Awareness Month focuses on making a difference for the better, encouraging individuals, families and communities to get involved in preventing alcohol abuse and misuse, both at home and in the community.

In support of Alcohol Awareness Month and is mission of alcohol prevention education, Oklahoma-based Narconon Arrowhead is releasing a guide to handling alcoholism in the family. Based on a long history of drug prevention education and community outreach activities, Narconon Arrowhead shares the following guide.

Guide to Handling Alcoholism in the Family

Learn about Alcohol

Due to its accepted and wide use in society, many think alcohol is not a drug. It is.

Drugs are basically toxins (poisons). The amount taken or consumed determines how the person is affected. Alcohol, like any drug, is poisonous to the body in large volume (alcohol poisoning). Like other drugs, it burns-up vitamins, leaving the drinker feeling tired or sick after drinking it (hangover).

Learn about Alcoholism

Learning the facts concerning alcohol abuse increases understanding, and opens the door to solutions.

While there are volumes of information and opinions on alcohol abuse, sort-out what is factual and workable. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), for example, provides a wealth of information. It has a long history of success in helping alcoholics recover, and remain sober.

Preserve Your Family

Preserve your family traditions and activities. Sharing good times together and doing things all family members enjoy helps keep the family unit stronger, and more resilient to the alcoholism-caused stresses.

Keep Your Faith

Continuing to practice your faith in whatever way you choose is an important part of staying strong in the face of alcoholism-caused adversity. A faith-based counselor or minister can help family members in times of travail. Time spent at church, in meditation, or other spiritual pursuits are food for the soul.

Participate in a Support Group

An alcoholic in the family midst adversely impacts all family members. Participating in a support group and sharing information, ideas and solutions benefits everyone. Al-Anon support group services are a resource for connecting-up with others facing similar challenges.

Get Help for the Alcoholic

There are many treatment programs for alcoholics. Do your research, and choose one which does not use substitute drugs to replace the addiction to alcohol. Look for outcome-based success resulting in proven long-term and stable sobriety.

Your journey to handling alcoholism in your family begins with taking the first step. You can do it.

Call us now at 800-468-6933 for more information.

The post Narconon Arrowhead Releases Guide to Handling Alcoholism in the Family for Alcohol Awareness Month appeared first on News JX Education.

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